Our strategy supports the United Nations Sustainable Goals, an agenda that sets targets to be met by 2030 through ambitious but realistic goals. In 2022, we worked with global sustainability consultancy Environmental Resource Management (ERM) to identify the ESG topics most material to our business and stakeholders. Six priority topics were agreed via consultation with our valued stakeholders (employees, end users, shareholders, car park holders, suppliers, society) and members of Interparking management :
• Community Engagement
• Green Mobility
• CO2 Emissions Management
• Air Quality Management
• Digitalised Mobility
• Employee Health, Safety & Wellbeing
In 2023, we defined the following associated ESG objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Community Engagment
Our strategic goal: Engaging and forming partnerships with our local communities such as cities, railroad operators and airports to ensure their considerations and ideas are taken into account (e.g., consultations with cities to ensure sustainable urban planning, partnerships to support local retailers, actors of the social and cultural life).
Interparking has entered into a number of partnerships, not only with players in the mobility and transport sector, but also with local authorities and service provider so as to expand the range of products and services we can offer. This commitment is also reflected in a number of corporate philanthropic and sponsorship initiatives in social, environmental, cultural and sporting areas.
CO2 Emissions Management
Our strategic goal: Keeping our operations carbon-neutral by minimising the emissions generated by our operations (as well as offsetting), by reducing our energy consumption (through initiatives such as the introduction of LED lighting systems) and by using renewable energy.
Since 2015, Interparking Group’s operations have been certified carbon neutral across all nine countries in which we operate. This certification was achieved by activating the following:
- firstly, we strive continuously to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions generated by our operations;
- secondly, the Group is involved in a CO2 offsetting project in partnership with the certification agency Co2logic.
Reducing energy consumption
To reduce its energy consumption, Interparking is expanding the use of LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting systems, installing low-energy ventilation mechanisms, and gradually renewing its vehicle fleet with low-pollution vehicles. LED lighting uses between six and 10 times less energy than traditional lighting. We also use green energy and automation to modulate lighting to avoid having lights on in car parks when no movement is detected. Nevertheless, emission reduction remains a material issue for us so we remain focused on our objectives, with particular focus on offsetting residual emissions.
This approach is recognized by the "CO2 neutral" certification in all 9 countries where we are present.

Green Mobilty
Our strategic goal: Facilitating green mobility (e.g., by rewarding drivers for using low-polluting vehicles, providing charging terminals for electric vehicles, and reserving parking spaces for shared cars) as well as advocating the development of multimodality by connecting our car parks to public transport, and bike hire points.
The last few years have seen the emergence of a number of innovations in the field of mobility with the aim of helping to achieve cleaner air by reducing emissions. Hybrid and electric cars significantly reduce CO2 emissions and fine particles in the atmosphere and these new modes of mobility require a tailored parking offering. To support the transition toward low-polluting vehicles, we are increasing the number of charging terminals for electric and hybrid vehicles in our car parks.
Environmental commitment targets
After having contracted (in 2018) the first green credit loan in Belgium whereby payment conditions are determined by the achievement of environmental commitments, in 2020 Interparking had reached the two targets that had been set. In 2021, we therefore signed, with BNP Paribas Fortis, a new green IRS with the following environmental commitments spanning a five-year period:
- to maintain our “CO2 Neutral” certification (undertaken by an independent and certified body) in all countries in which Interparking group operates
- to increase the amount of electrical vehicle spaces by 300 every year.
- Cargo-bikes delivery solution in partnership with Ziegler Logistics
Interparking launched, “Cargo-bikes” in partnership with Ziegler Logistics. This is a green initiative to contribute to smarter and more sustainable urban logistics. This “last-mile” (final stage of the order process) delivery solution sees large parcels delivered with very low to almost zero CO2 emissions: an electric truck “shuttle” connects the main hub to a microhub located in the Interparking car parks; from there, the cargo bikes leave for the final destination. This service is not only greener but it’s also more efficient, for example, the Cargo Bike XXL makes up to 50 stops per day whereas a conventional distribution truck only makes an average of 25 stops per day. Introduced as a proof-of-concept, the initiative was extended to other cities..
First "green loan"
In October 2018, Interparking took out a loan the cost of which depends on criteria linked to the firm's environmental performance. This is a first in Belgium. Specifically, BNP Paribas Fortis granted Interparking an €80 million loan to finance its expansion. The interest rate is calculated based on two specific environmental indicators: firstly, a reduction in the carbon footprint per full-time equivalent (FTE); and secondly, a reduction in the energy consumption of the car parks. Interparking will therefore be able to claim a discount of around 10% on the cost of the loan if the carbon footprint per full-time equivalent and the electricity consumption per parking space decrease by 30% and 20% respectively.
Interparking had reached the two targets that had been set. In 2021, we therefore signed, with BNP Paribas Fortis, a new green IRS with the following environmental commitments spanning a five-year period:
- to maintain our “CO2 Neutral” certification (undertaken by an independent and certified body) in all countries in which Interparking group operates
- to increase the amount of electrical vehicle spaces by 300 every year.
Air quality Management
Our strategic goal: Improving air quality in cities in a direct way (by installing particle neutralisation systems) and indirectly (by reducing the time that car drivers spend searching for a parking space and by reserving spaces for shared and electric cars in our car parks).
Air quality is an extremely important issue for Interparking so we aim to purify the air in our car parks, for example by neutralising harmful particles and minimising the time car drivers spend searching for a parking space.
A first notable initiative was launched in April 2019 with the commissioning of a particle reduction system at the Beffroi car park in Namur, Belgium. Developed in collaboration with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, this system uses the positive ionisation process to capture the fine particles present in the ambient air. As a result, the ambient air is cleared of 50% to 70% of particles, 40% of fine particles, and 20% of ultrafine particles. According to air quality measurement firm Airscan.org, thanks to the system installed at the Beffroi car park, the concentration of particles inside the car park is lower than the average levels recorded outside. This was the first system of this type for the Interparking Group and the first to be rolled out in Belgium. Since then, 120 systems have been deployed in our car parks.

Employee Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Our strategic goal: Facilitating green mobility (e.g., by rewarding drivers for using low-polluting vehicles, providing charging terminals for electric vehicles, and reserving parking spaces for shared cars) as well as advocating the development of multimodality by connecting our car parks to public transport, and bike hire points.
Interparking offers its employees state-of-the-art training to ensure they can develop their skills and better respond to the changing requirements of our clients and the cities of tomorrow.
The Parking School plays a key role in developing talents at Interparking: internal mobility is possible. Further training has enabled staff members to advance in their career and take on new responsibilities. The staff training policy encourages regular training to enable high quality teams with training tailored for roles ranging from specialised blue collar worker through the functions of Controller towards Parking Manager. To celebrate success, the cycles of training courses provided result in two graduation ceremonies per year.
The Parking School program covers a range of topics, including safety procedures, conflict resolution, and communication skills. By investing in the professional development of our employees, we are fostering a skilled and competent workforce that is able to deliver high-quality service while adhering to our ESG values.
As digital transformation and technology continue to evolve, the parking industry is facing new challenges that require companies to adapt and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.